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Absence and Attendance

As a school we expect attendance rates to be 95% and above. There is clear evidence that poor attendance has a very negative impact on children’s learning and progress at school.

  • If a child has 95% attendance, this still equates to nearly two weeks absence in a year.
  • If a child has 90% attendance, this equates to nearly four weeks absence in a year.
  • If a child has 85% attendance, this equates to nearly six weeks absence in a year.

Holidays during term time

To ensure that there is continuity of education for your child, in line with Government policy, we expect that all family holidays be taken within the specified school holiday periods.  To request absence during term time you must write a letter to Mrs Green.

Please note that due to changes in legislation, the school will now be unable to authorise any holiday in term time.

Absence from school

We are required to include details of any unauthorised absences on a child’s report, and it may be that these figures will be published on a school basis at a later date. 

It is therefore vital that you:

1.     Phone to inform us if your child is going to be absent.  As part of our responsibilities for safeguarding, if your child is absent without a reason and we have not heard from you before 9.30am then you will receive a call from the school office asking for the reason for absence. 

2.     Please, also send us written confirmation on your child’s return as to the reasons for their absence.  Failure to do so will mean that your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence.

3.     The school, together with the Education Welfare Service closely monitors the school’s attendance registers.  Attendance is monitored for punctuality and patterns of absence as well as overall attendance levels.  Where absence drops below 90% or there are other areas of concern with a child’s attendance the Education Welfare Service will be informed and likely to become involved.


Please ensure that children arrive on time. Gates open at 8.45 am.  The school day starts at 9.00 a.m. If your child arrives at school after 9.10 a.m. Your child will be coded as ‘late after the registers have closed’.   It is disruptive for your child and the rest of the class if he/she arrives late.  We do monitor lateness and will follow-up with a letter those who are regularly late.  Where repeated lateness occurs we will inform the Education Welfare Service.

Appointments during the day

We have an increasing number of appointments being made during the school day.  We would ask that all doctors/dental appointments be made out of school time to ensure the maximum continuity in learning for your child.

On the rare occasion that this is not possible, a change in the Borough procedure means that we now require evidence of any GP/dental and hospital appointments made during the school day. You may ask the surgery for a print out of your appointment card which will then need to be bought into school and evidenced.

All parents/carers must report to the school office when coming to collect their child.  A member of the office staff will then collect the child from the classroom and you will be asked to sign your child out of school.  The same arrangements are in place if you wish to collect your child during lunchtime or break time.

Please let us know in writing if your child will be attending any school Open days or entrance exams.

We are committed to your child’s care and welfare and would really appreciate your support and co-operation with this.

Should I keep child off school? NHS Guidance

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