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Physical Education

Giving our children the opportunity to become physically active, competent and literate, whilst learning the importance of exercise as a life-long habit.

At Sacred Heart, our core intent at the heart of the Physical Education (PE) Curriculum is to ensure that pupils are making consistently strong progress, developing secure knowledge, understanding and skills, considering their different start points as well as implementing long terms plans. Our focus this year is on monitoring participation in PE across the school and improving results in various school sporting competitions as well as improving children’s understanding of the skills they are learning. This will enable them to become more independent learners through providing them with the strategies, resources and skills needed, rather than sport -specific content only. We strongly believe that by inspiring pupils to succeed and excel in physically demanding activities at their own level, they will become physically confident and literate in a way that supports their health and fitness for life.

PE is a key part of the National Curriculum. When children leave education, we hope they will have become physically literate individuals, who are able to remain physically active for a sustained period of time, either competitively or recreationally. The National Curriculum focuses on many different areas of learning within PE as a subject. Children will develop fundamental movement skills, before beginning to link these to make actions and sequences applying them in various sporting opportunities and situations.

In order to implement our intent, great effort is placed in ensuring the following is embedded throughout the school:

  • All children are given the opportunity to achieve highly in lessons, with considered thought in planning, placed on their differing starting points.
  • Develop pupils who have a keen interest and ‘love’ for PE and a willingness to participate in each lesson with eagerness and passion. Create positive attitudes in the pupils, ensuring they have the ability to make informed, choices about engaging fully in extracurricular sport
  • Create a safe environment whereby all children feel comfortable but challenged in their skill development and are able to effectively evaluate theirs and other children’s performances.
  • Expose children to healthy lifestyles both through exercise and healthy eating, giving children the opportunity to discover what is achieved by eating sensibly, and becoming aware of the dangers of not leading a healthy, active lifestyle e.g. smoking, drugs, alcohol.
  • Encourage children to practise skills in a range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups, in teams, and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance.
  • Ensure children can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and know how to remain safe in and around water.

At Key Stage One and Two, teachers plan, high quality lessons, which promote active learning, from The National Curriculum. The Early Years plan from The Early Years Framework, ensuring high quality and active learning is also delivered thus meeting the Early Learning Goals - physical development, personal social and emotional development and communication and language.

Teachers plan for PE on a termly and weekly basis, using the GetSet4PE website and schemes of work, to ensure the delivery of high-quality, effective and progressive lessons which will enhance children’s knowledge and understanding of the key skills being taught and how they can be linked together as they get older to perform activities successfully. Our planning includes units to be taught with clear learning objectives and success criteria and units that do not overlap each other.

More Information:

The following documents outline the content of the Physical Education Curriculum that is taught at the school. These documents should be read in conjunction with the Termly Curriculum Outlines, as these provide more detailed information of the how these topics are to be taught.

Physical Education Documents


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