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  • Assemblies

    As a Catholic school, many of our assemblies and collective worship are based around the Gospel and Gospel values.  On Fridays, our assembly is based on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday but also includes a 'Celebration Aspect' where certificates are given for being 'Star of the Week', 'Writer of the Month', 'Pen Licences', 'House Points' etc.  Achievements outside of school are also recognised each week.  

    Monday morning assembly generally introduces a theme or focus for the week.  Themes can include, national themes, a school value, Anti-bullying, Online Safety, Science week or Diversity.  Themes are planned out for the year.  These assemblies also incorporate a prayerful reflection.

    Children also have an in-class assembly each week based on the Sunday Gospel reading.

    Both staff and children plan and lead assemblies and collective worship over the course of the year. 

    Parents are also invited to class assemblies.



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