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  • Secondary School Links

    Secondary School

    Our Year 6 children go on to a variety of secondary schools, choosing between options of Catholic, state and private. Furthermore, a number of children each year are successful in applying to selective state and private schools, and other Catholic schools in neighbouring boroughs.

    Please see below the websites for the link schools.

    We have also included links to the Diocese Secondary School page and Local Authority page to help with understanding the offer available and the application process.  Please talk to school if you would like support in understanding secondary school options.  There are scholarships, means-tested bursaries (including 100% bursaries for appropriate candidates) from a number of schools.

    Our pupils go on to do very well in life, with many attending top universities.  They have wonderful, varied careers. We are very proud of them all and love hearing how they are progressing in their studies and careers.  The secondary schools always say that our students are well prepared and confident individuals who actively engage in all aspects of school life.

    Choosing a Catholic School 2024 – Diocese of Westminster Education Service (

    Richmond transfer to secondary school Sept 2024 Presentation

    The Admission to Richmond's Secondary Schools guide and the Richmond schools brochure are available on the Richmond Council website.  If parents have questions and concerns, please email for support.

    Contact us with any questions Get in touch