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  • Jesse Dobson


    What do you remember about your time at Sacred Heart?

    My time at Sacred Heart school was so memorable, I loved it and I truly believe that the school, the staff and the friendships I made during my time there have shaped me into the young man I am today. 

    What do you do now?

    I am currently a GB gymnast, training 24 hours a week and in preparation for my first international competition in Germany in October where I will be competing for my country. I have been a GB gymnast since I was 9 and Sacred Heart helped me follow my dream by being so understanding and supportive towards me with all that came with my sport. Thank you! 

    What advice would they give to current students?

    My advice to all current students at Sacred Heart school is this, "Enjoy every moment, aim high in all you do and live and love all the memories that you will make during your time at Sacred Heart School. 


    Jesse Dobson


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