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  • Testimonials Year 6 2024


    In what ways has the school supported you as a learner?


    L. The teachers always paid attention to everyone’s learning.  For instance, some other children and I would go out to have a higher level of a certain subject taught to us.

    R. Teachers and staff members have helped me when I needed help and motivated me.

    F. School helped me understand things when I struggled.

    G. They have helped me by organising a tutor group in the morning.

    L. The teachers have always encouraged me to learn.

    R. It is ready to help pupils whenever needed. They have different ways of boosting our learning, not just ordinary work but they try to find ways to make it fun,

    P. The teachers would come and help you if it is tricky for you. They would also set up booster groups for people.

    L. School has supported us when we were preparing for SATs by separating us into smaller groups where we were challenged with things by our standard. 

    E. The school has supported me by helping me to be more confident and happy.

    A. The school has supported me by giving me maths booster groups.

    A. The school is always looking at where you struggle and they help you on whatever subject you feel less confident at - they help you reach your full potential.

    F. The school has helped me with my dyslexia and emotions. 

    E. When I joined this amazing school - Sacred Heart - I started in Year 3, therefore I had no idea how to read or write. However, the teachers helped me achieve my goals by supporting me every step of the way.


    What have you learnt about yourself whilst at Sacred Heart?


    L. I have learnt that no matter what you do or who you are, you always have a place in the world.

    R.  That when you make friendships, these friendships stay no matter what.

    B.  I don’t give up.  I have been taught to never give up.

    F.  I have learnt that I can do anything when I put my mind to it.

    G.  If I really try, I can achieve things that are hard.

    L.  I have learnt if I try enough, I can do it.

    R.  I have improved my ability and attitude towards my learning and towards making friends as I am quiet in nature.  Now I have more confidence.

    P.  To always be kind to people, no matter what.

    L.  I have learnt that I love maths and want to explore computing more.

    B.  I have learnt I really like sports.

    F.  The kinder you are, the stronger friendships you make.

    A.  I learnt that when I’m kind and compassionate it makes people feel happier and even the smallest thing can make a difference.

    E.  I have learnt there can be lots of struggles in life but it will get better.  I have learnt how to manage this better. I know getting things wrong is fine, that is how I have learnt.

    A. Whilst at Sacred Heart I have learnt that if I put my mind to it, I can achieve it.

    E. Whilst at Sacred Heart I have learnt a lot of things about myself but the one thing I found out about myself that surprised me the most was I actually love sport – it is super fun.


    If you were recommending the school to someone who did not know Sacred Heart, what would say the strengths are?


    L. As Sacred Heart School itself is a small school, you know all the teachers and students, so when you walk into the corridor in the morning you always have a friendly face to greet you.

    E.  Personally, I would definitely say that one of the things Sacred Heart is great at is looking out and helping the individual pupil.  The staff also are great influences on the children – everybody shows the schools’ values.

    R.  We are an amazing Catholic Community who grow in love.  We show kindness, patience, tolerance and many other values.

    B.  Teachers are always there to rely one and they are happy to listen.

    F.  They are kind to every student and they are always there if you need help.

    G.  The strengths at this school are that the teachers are very supportive.

    L.  The strengths of the school are everybody cares and loves each other.

    R.  The strength is in foundation, friendship and love.

    P.  It is a small school so it is easier for you to make friends.

    C.  I would say the strengths is as a small school, everyone knows each other.

    L.  If I were to recommend the school to someone, I would say that you know everyone in this small community.

    E. The strengths at Sacred Heart are the love and care for everyone and that everyone knows each other.

    A. I would say the strengths are being a small school means we know everyone and the teachers are strong and want you to do your best.

    B. The strengths of Sacred Heart are how resilient the teachers and other support staff make us feel.

    A. Helping people settle in, their kindness and care and having a welcoming environment.

    F.  I like that is a small community that helps you grow.


    What skills and achievements have you developed whilst at Sacred Heart?


    L. I have developed more tolerance and patience as at school we focussed a lot on those values.

    R.  How to cope well when I don’t agree with something or something is unfair.

    B.  How to be in control of my emotions.

    L.  I have learned to present projects in front of large groups of people.

    B. I have learnt to be more social and resilient.  I have achieved coming second in the Borough sports with the team, out of all small schools.

    P. To listen to my friends and always be open for them to speak to me.

    C.  I achieved piano, SPaG and Maths skills.

    L.  I have developed the skill to confidently complete maths equations and problems and have achieved the maximum points.

    A.  At Sacred Heart, I have developed skills like confidence and learning to share my struggles.

    E.  During my time at Sacred Heart, I have learnt to be more sociable and resilient.

    A.  I have developed much better skills in all subjects and my achievements are playing for the football team and getting a main part in the production.

    F.  I have developed my football, swimming, Maths and English skills.


    In your opinion, what have been the biggest improvements to the school while you have been attending Sacred Heart?


    L.  The school has introduced many more clubs and pupil groups for lots of people to join.

    R.  I have improved at singing as I joined the choir and I have become better at sports too as we do lots of it.

    G.  The biggest improvements to the school have been the teachers.  They listen to you and help you.

    L.  I think the biggest improvement is the new turf for the muga.

    P.  The new equipment added to both playgrounds.

    L.  The addition of new play areas.

    E.  The biggest improvement is the care and kindness towards everyone.

    A. For me, it was the girl’s football team.

    A.  I think the sports have improved.

    F. The playground and the sports.

    E.  Whilst at Sacred Heart, there have been lots of improvements like getting more sports equipment and also introducing new pupil groups.

    B. More sports equipment and having clubs for all ages in the school.


    In what ways has our Catholic school helped you as a person?


    A. Sacred Heart has helped me as a person by make me feel more confident in who I am.

    L.  This school has helped me develop a deeper understanding of my own faith.

    R. It has help me to think more about how others feel more than myself.  God has helped me with this.

    G.  It has helped me become a better and kinder person.

    L.  The class collective worship gave me time to pray.

    P.  It helped me to become stronger in my relationship with God.

    C. Love others as God loves you always.

    L This school helped me understand God, Jesus and all the saints much better.  This helped make me a better Christian.

    F. It help me grow with love and kindness.

    A. They reminded me that even in the toughest time Jesus and God are always with me.

    B.  It has help me to know more about God and other religions as well.


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