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  • Pupil Premium

    What is Pupil Premium?

    The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to schools based on the number of children on the current roll who have been entitled to Free School Meals at any point during the past six years or have been in the care of a Local Authority (‘Looked After’) continuously for more than six months.

    Schools are charged with using Pupil Premium funding to ‘close the gap’ between the attainment of those children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those living in families with incomes above the low-income threshold.

    Some of the funding is used to offer support to those pupils who are at a disadvantage compared to their peers even if they are not eligible for a free school meal.  Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying school budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.

    We draw upon an evidence-based ‘tiered’ approach to deliver the pupil premium strategy.

    Tier 1: Improving Teaching

    Schools arrange training and professional development for all their staff to improve the impact of teaching and learning for pupils.

    Tier 2: Academic support

    Schools decide on the main issues preventing pupils from succeeding at school and use the pupil premium to provide extra help.

    Tier 3: Wider approaches

    This may include non-academic use of pupil premium such as:

    • school breakfast club/after school club
    • extra-curricular activities for disadvantaged pupils
    • help with the cost of educational trips or visits
    • purchase of school uniform

    Using the pupil premium in this way helps to:

    • increase pupils’ confidence and resilience
    • encourages pupils to be more aspirational
    • benefits non-eligible pupils

    The pupil premium strategy is reviewed annually.

    For more information on the Pupil Premium funding that has been received and the impact, please click on the links below:

    For more general information about Pupil Premium, see

    In order to apply, please follow the link to 

    Academic Year – 2023 to 2024

    At Sacred Heart School, the number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding is 21.5%.

    Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

    Pupil Premium Strategy from previous years

    Pupil Premium Strategy from previous years

    Contact us with any questions Get in touch