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  • Books and Texts

    Focus Texts for Content Y1-6

    Focus Texts for Content Y1-6

    These are the key focus texts we base our English teaching around in from Year 1 to Year 6. In addition to these, children also reference a range of other texts that we use for comparison or as writing models.

    Please note that some Key Stage 2 texts are longer and require more time in order to explore them in detail hence they use fewer books overall. 

    Focus Texts for Content EYFS

    Focus Texts for Content EYFS

    These are the key focus texts used in EYFS. In addition to these, children also look at a range of other texts (including a range of non-fiction) linked to topics or themes being covered in class. There is some repetition across Nursery and Reception as texts are revisited to deepen children's familiarity and increase their emotional engagement with stories.

    As a school, we believe that using high quality texts in our English lessons is the best way to support children's development. We also believe that the first educators of our pupils are their parents.

    As a school, we encourage our parents to listen to their children read regularly, to read to their children regularly, to discuss reading books with their children and to ask their children questions whilst they are reading. Research shows that a language-rich environment support pupils’ development and achievement. As a result, we provide parents with a examples of the types of questions which will develop their reading skills and understanding: 

    Additionally, as a school, we believe that high-quality texts are important as they enable our parents to support their children in developing key reading skills. To ensure that our intent is further embedded, we provide parents with reading book lists. Suggestions for each year group can be found at books for topics - key stage book lists.  


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