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  • Computing

    Why we use the Teach Computing Curriculum?

    Core Principles

    Inclusive and Ambitious

    The Teach Computing Curriculum has been written to support all pupils. Each lesson is sequenced so that it builds on the learning from the previous lesson, and where appropriate, activities are scaffolded so that all pupils can succeed and thrive. Scaffolded activities provide pupils with extra resources, such as visual prompts, to reach the same learning goals as the rest of the class. Exploratory tasks foster a deeper understanding of a concept, encouraging pupils to apply their learning in different contexts and make connections with other learning experiences. As well as scaffolded activities, embedded within the lessons there are a range of pedagogical strategies which support making computing topics more accessible.

    Curriculum Design

    This style of curriculum design reduces the amount of knowledge lost through forgetting, as topics are revisited yearly. It also ensures that connections are made even if different teachers are teaching the units within a theme in consecutive years

    Research Informed

    The subject of computing is much younger than many other subjects, and as such, there is still a lot more to learn about how to teach it effectively. To ensure that teachers are as prepared as possible, the Teach Computing Curriculum builds on a set of pedagogical principles which are underpinned by the latest computing research, to demonstrate effective pedagogical strategies throughout. To remain up-to-date as research continues to develop, every aspect of the Teach Computing Curriculum is reviewed each year and changes are made as necessary.

    Support for Teachers in an 'ever-changing environment':

    It provides:

    • Resources include lesson plans, slides, activity sheets, homework, and assessments
    • Each key stage has a teacher guide and curriculum map to help you get started
    • Built around an innovative progression framework where computing content has been organised into interconnected networks we call learning graphs
    • Created by subject experts, using the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback
    • All of the content is free  to use, and in formats that make it easy to adapt to meet the needs of learners


    Online Safety

    At Sacred Heart , we believe that children have the right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces, and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring to them, appropriate to their age and stage.

    As they grow older, it is crucial that they learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online.

    As a result, the school uses the framework below to support its Online Safety curriculum - the foundation of which is taken from Teach Computing. This framework describes the knowledge, understanding and skills that children and young people should have the opportunity to develop at different ages and stages. It highlights what a child should know in terms of current online technology, its influence on behaviour and development, how to get support, and what skills they need to be able to navigate it safely.

    Contact us with any questions Get in touch