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  • MFL

    As a Catholic school, we are part of a multi-cultural society and a community where the ability to speak a foreign language is a highly valued skill.

    At Sacred Heart, our intent is to give all pupils at Key Stage 2 the opportunity to learn another language and at the same time gain a better understanding of the diversity of our world.

    We follow the national curriculum for modern foreign languages and we aim to ensure that all pupils:

    • understand and respond to the spoken and written French language
    • speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation
    • can write at varying length for different purposes and audiences using the variety of grammatical structures they have learnt
    • discover and appreciate an appreciation of a range of writing in French

    We encourage our pupils to develop their French language and communication skills through drama and role play, speaking and listening, reading and writing. We adapt the programmes ‘Salut Ça Va’ in Year 3, ‘Où Habites-Tu?’ in Year 4 and ‘Ici Et Là’ in Year 5 and Year 6 to ensure clear progression and positive outcomes for all pupils so that they are encouraged to study a foreign language at the next stage in their learning.

    To enhance our pupils’ understanding of a different culture we are establishing links and correspondence with a French School where a former pupil has returned to in France.

    Early French conversations

    We encourage all children to speak French with confidence. We are fortunate to have a native French teacher to develop good accents.

    Contact us with any questions Get in touch