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Art and Design

"Children see before they speak, make marks before they write, build before they walk. But their ability to interpret what they observe, communicate what they think and feel, or make what they imagine and invent, is influenced by the quality of their art, craft and design education."

Ofsted, Making a Mark: art, craft and design education 2011

At Sacred Heart we believe that Art is vital educationally and emotionally. It requires creative and imaginative thinking. It encourages innovation, collaboration, experimentation, risk-taking and resourcefulness. Pupils explore open-ended creative projects and make decisions about the scale and scope of their work.

There is no prescribed outcome, rather the opportunity to explore and develop key skills and techniques guided by the teacher and inspired by nature, other artists, architects and designers. The very best learning is taking place during the creative journey.

Risk taking is encouraged and leads to high achievement and originality amongst pupils.  Opportunities to take part in the creative process and explore imaginatively are essential to wellbeing in all of us.

Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere

Albert Einstein

Year 5- Tudor Portraits

Year 6 - Henry Moore


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